Text by: Ruth Antolín – Psychologist – INTRAS & Mª José Hernández – Project Manager- INTRAS

The WorkingAge research project is going to start the In-Company tests, the final experimental phase in which the WorkingAge Of Wellbeing (WAOW) tool will be daily used by workers along their standard working days.

The objective of the In-Company tests is to assess the usability, acceptability and effectiveness of the WAOW Tool in a real environment.

Three companies will participate in the pilots. Each of the companies will host a different use case. The three cases are:

  • Production in Valladolid (Spain), we are expecting to recruit 30 workers to test the system.
  • Office in Barcelona (Spain), the same numbers of participants are expected to participate in the pilots.
  • Teleworking in Athens (Greece), with 10 participants already recruited who can’t wait to start.

The In-Company test are broken down into different types:

  • Short-Term Tests that aim to assess the correctness and quality of hardware and software components of the WAOW tool through the reliability tests. Additionally, the final users will evaluate the reliability of the whole WAOW tool through usability and acceptability tests. These tests are divided in:
    • Daily tests (to test single WAOW components, e.g. sensors and edge servers)
    • Weekly tests (to test the entire WAOW system, usability and acceptability included).
  • Long-Term Tests that aim to assess the effectiveness of the WAOW tool workplace-tailored intervention plan as well as its degree of acceptability and ability to motivate the engagement and adherence to the proposed plan through the use of the WA application.

This implies evaluating the cause-effect relationship between the impact produced in different user domains and the use of the WAOW tool under real conditions. This evaluation will allow determining if the WA system is well accepted and usable in real-world conditions, and the maximum tolerable interference levels to ensure the target users can use WAOW application in their real workplaces.

In-Company test

During the In-Company pilots, target users will be assessed before and after the intervention to detect the sustained impact of the use of the WAOW tool on different target dimensions of the workplace-tailored intervention plan (e.g., nutritional habits, physical activity, sleep quality, social participation, etc.), with a specific focus on target user physical and mental health and overall well-being. These pre- and post-assessment will include validated scales or relevant sections for the assessment purpose of the WA project.

Measures of adherence/compliance with the recommendations will be collected through the WA system records.

A multiple case study approach will be conducted to analyse the effectiveness of the tailored recommendations in terms of adequacy, reliability, utility, utilization and objective adherence measures, and satisfaction with the personalized intervention plan, obtained through the selection of the most relevant and useful SMART goals modules for the characteristics of each participant.

Shortly we will inform you about the progress of the In-Company tests!!
