Text by: Marcos Garcia, Julen Rostan, Bruno Santidrian and Basam Musleh – ITCL Institute of Technology

ITCL has completed the In-Lab tests of the body pose estimation module. Image capturing processes have been carried out on 10 workers from the company who are over 45 years of age, performing different tasks in two separate simulated workplace environments, office and manufacturing.

Within the simulated manufacturing environment, workers were asked to assemble a pile of boxes and then disassemble it (see Fig. 1), both standing and seated, while the images were captured from the side (see Fig. 2) and from behind (see Fig. 3). For the simulated office environment, they were asked to write a text on a computer while images were taken from one side (see Fig. 4). These tasks were thought up in order to force the participants to adopt a range of ergonomic and non-ergonomic postures. For example, the chair was situated at different distances to the table during the tests simulating the office environment.

Figure 1. Boxes assembly explanation for the image capturing process in the manufacturing environment.

Once the images were captured, they were processed by the posture estimation program where the workers’ joints are obtained (skeleton in green in figures 2, 3 and 4). From these results it will be easy to calculate if the worker’s posture is adequate for the task, or on the opposite side, that those positions of the joints can be harmful over time.

Figure 2. Manufacturing environment tests from the side.

Figure 3. Manufacturing environment tests from behind.

Figure 4. Office environment test from the side.

We would like to thank all the ITCL employees who spent some of their valuable time to participate in these tests.

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